We offer a complete dental prophylaxis as well as extractions, ultrasonic dental scaling and polishing. We also provide ultrasonic scalers for cleaning and digital x-rays.

Dental care may sometimes be an overlooked aspect of your pet's health. But believe it or not, dental diseases and problems just like people do, so it is important to have them visit us, just like you visit the dentist bi-annually! Dental issues can affect a pet's heart, liver, and kidneys as well as their mood. Regular dental check-ups that are combined with good dental hygiene at home can improve your pet's health, vitality, and well-being!

A professional veterinary dental cleaning at our facility involves looking at the whole mouth, not just the cosmetic appearance of teeth. This means accessing the tissues that support the teeth and the health of the gums so that we can focus on addressing potential underlying issues.

Protect Your Pet's Dental Health with Our Western Springs Vet Clinic

The focus of good dental care is a complete oral exam, which is then followed by a thorough cleaning that is specifically designed to remove plaque and delay buildup in your pet's mouth.

At our veterinary hospital, your pet’s veterinarian can perform:

  • Complete dental cleanings with ultrasonic scalers
  • Dental x-rays
  • Oral mass removals

Should we find any issues—such as evidence of gum or tooth erosion, gingivitis or excessive plaque buildup—we will discuss this with you and offer treatment options for your pet. We are experienced dental practitioners and are capable of offering a number of dental procedures and oral surgeries.

What are Signs of Dental Problems in My Pet?

Halitosis (bad breath) is the most common symptom of the periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums and potentially the other supporting structures of the teeth. Bad breath is oftentimes the sole symptom that often goes overlooked. Plaque builds up every day on the tooth surface including at the gum line. This plaque then hardens, forming calculus or tartar. This then creates an environment where destructive bacteria can flourish, causing damage to periodontal tissue and producing an offensive odor.

Additional signs of dental disease include:

  • Red and swollen gums
  • Pain or bleeding
  • Loose or missing teeth
  • A yellowish-brown crust of plaque on the teeth near the gum line
  • Decreased appetite or difficulty eating

Please call us today at (708) 550-1111(708) 550-1111 and have your pet come in for an exam.